Computer Science and Engineering
AB InBev
Interviewed by:
Nikhil Danwani
20th September 2020
Why PPO?
Any tips for securing a PPO?
Policies regarding PPOs?
Importance of good relations within the company?
Criteria used while handing out PPOs?
How did you stand out among your colleagues?
There were a lot of opportunities to learn and enhance one’s skills. I liked the projects which were realistic yet not very strenuous. We even had many informal sessions which helped us to be familiarized with our leaders and colleagues. The working environment was very friendly where everyone was approachable. Overall, I enjoyed my internship experience which made it easy to decide.
Always maintain transparency with the managers regarding the progress of the work, challenges you are facing, etc. It also ensures effective communication and they are able to assess you for your efforts, which is very important.
We had evaluations done at various levels. We had daily meetings with our managers and appointed buddies to discuss the progress, weekly presentations with the senior manager and monthly presentation reviews with the tower leads. Each of them had a say in the final evaluation for awarding PPOs. It is, in fact, the sincerity and work quality which appeals to most of them and thus is a contributing factor.
We have a biweekly evaluation done by our managers and buddies to evaluate the progress made so far and our work etiquettes. Additionally, we also had monthly review presentations where all the tower leads, senior managers and HRs were present.
‘Ownership’ is one of the 10 principles realized in the company vision. AB InBev believes ‘We are a company of owners. Owners take results personally.’ Thus, it is suggested that one should take ownership of the project allocated and take up whatever initiatives that are required to accomplish it.
No, AB InBev doesn’t have any such policy.
Summary of the specifics
We had multiple evaluations spread across two-month internship duration along with weekly meetings with the senior manager where we had to present the work done in that particular week. We also had a mid review presentation which was held after the first month of the internship and a final review presentation held at the end of the internship. In these reviews, all tower leads asked us questions related to the work we had done and the internship experience.